Dear Friends,
We begin today on a sad note. On Wednesday morning, word reached the parish office that John Berringer had died just after midnight. John was 71 years old, and had been battling a stubborn cancer for over five years. He lived long enough to hold his first grandchild: Sanford Albert Berringer, born on February 19. He was in church as recently as February 23. In the words that follow I don’t mean to paint a portrait of John as if he were a perfect person, because none of us are. But John was decidedly one of the good guys. The world needs more people like John Berringer, not one fewer.
John trusted deeply that the church could be God’s instrument for healing in the world. Therefore, he gave generously of himself to the ministries of God’s people. At Grace Church he served over the years on a host of committees: Outreach to serve our neighbors in need, Newcomers to welcome the seekers, and Discernment to help those considering what might be God’s call to the ordained ministry. As a volunteer he was an Open Door Greeter, a 6 pm Sunday Altar Team member, an usher, a lay reader, and an occasional chalice bearer. John devoted many a Saturday morning to the GO Project, the joint ministry between Grace Church and School, tutoring public school students who were falling through the cracks.
Most recently, John served for six years on the Vestry, the governing lay body of Grace Church. As an attorney, John proved instrumental when complaints alleging sexual abuse in the 1990s were brought against us. John was among many on the vestry who helped us respond in a way that was compassionate, sustainable, faithful, and fair. John cared deeply about the world, and was always eager to talk politics. He never complained about the ways things were – at least not that I heard. Rather, he rolled up his sleeves and gave himself to the places where he thought he could make a positive difference.
We will give thanks to God for John’s life one week from today, on Friday, March 14 at 4 pm with a memorial service in the church, and reception following in Tuttle Hall. John’s family – Bonnie, Ben, Katy, and Val – request that gifts in memory of John be directed to our recent Grace Church capital campaign, Making All Things New.
Here we are, coming up on the First Sunday in Lent. The season prepares us for Easter, and offers many opportunities to serve, connect, study, and worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. See below for how you can roll up your sleeves and get involved. This year, let’s have John Berringer as one of our role models in faith. The world needs more people like him
See you in church,