Grace Church in New York
Grace Church
in New York
Children, Youth and Family
Grace Church in New York offers a variety of programming for children, youth, and teens throughout the year. Please contact The Rev. Julia Macy Offinger for more information about this vital ministry.

Nursery Care
The Nursery is open during the 9am and 11am services for children of all ages to play with parental supervision. Families are free to come and go during the service as needed. Though the noise of children in the service is always welcome, we know kids like to run around, so this is a good destination.

Children's Chapel
During the 11am service, children are welcome to start church with their parents in the pews, then head to the Chantry during the sermon and prayers for singing, praying, and reading from our children’s bible. Children return for the rest of the service in the church.

Youth Group & Confirmation
There are many opportunities for teens to gather at Grace. Youth in 7th grade and older are invited to make a mature confirmation of their baptismal promises at the Bishop’s spring visit. Contact The Rev. Julia Offinger to register your child for this year’s program.

Special Events
Throughout the year, we offer fun and meaningful activities for the entire family. These include: the Halloween Carnival, Advent Wreath Making, Gingerbread House Building, the Christmas Pageant, and the Easter Eve Walk.

Acolytes are an integral part of the worship experience. By carrying a cross or a torch, and by helping the clergy during services, acolytes ensure that our worship reverently emphasizes the great symbols of the Christian faith and help the congregation focus on God.
Worship Services:
Sunday 9 am, 11am, and 6pm. Wednesday 6 PM.
View the Live Stream on this website, Youtube, Facebook, and Vimeo.
Recordings of previous worship services are also available.
Grace Church
802 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
(212) 254-2000
An Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York
Grace Church In New York is a not-for-profit organization and is tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3). Federal tax ID#13-5562327
802 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, (212) 254-2000
Grace Church in New York is a not-for-profit organization and is tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3).
Federal tax ID#13-5562327.